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Qualifying Face to Face EvaluationMedicare and other insurance plans have extremely strict and specific criteria to approve a power wheelchair. In order for any insurance plan to approve a power wheelchair the provider and patient must meet face to face. The encounter notes must explicitly cover the following in the providers own words: Checklist: This patient was seen to discuss his/her need for a wheelchair This patient is unable to use a cane, walker or crutches to perform ADL’s This patient is unable to propel a standard manual wheelchair due to (state condition such as weakness, pain, weight) Patient needs power wheelchair to perform ADL's
The Face-to-face will need to include:The Face-to-face will need to include: Diagnosis and how it interferes with bathing, dressing, feeding, grooming, and toileting Height and weight Physical exam with focus on function Past use of a cane, walker, wheelchair, etc. and why the can or walker won't meet the need of your mobility in the home. Referral for PT, OT for the wheelchair evaluation Below is an example of what the physicians face-to-face could say.... The patient is seen today for a face-t o-face appointment for powered (manual) mobility. Mr. or Mrs._ is unable to use any type of lessor mobility equipment such as a cane, walker, manual wheelchair, or scooter because of his/her medical condition. Other examples of information that might be helpful would be: The patient has upper extremity weakness that prevents them from propelling a manual wheelchair or the ability to perform MRADL's; lower extremity weakness which prevents them from safe mobility in the home and community; balance deficits; a history falls with injury; and/or pressure injuries. Medicare requires that the mobility device must be necessary for mobility inside the home to complete ADL' s. Medicare ·will not fund equipment that is needed solely for community use.
7 Element written order
How do I download the 7 Element written order form?Go to DME Order Forms or Click here Under The Power Wheelchair / Power Mobility Insurance Coverage Process
What type of Power Wheelchair Mission Medical Supply Provide?Mission Medical Supply provide Group 1 & 2 Power Wheelchair. Group 2 Chairs are far more functional and maneuverable than scooters due to their ability to turn in tight quarters. In order to qualify: The patient should have a mobility limitation that significantly impairs their ability to participate in one or more mobility-related activities of daily living (MRADLs) such as toileting, feeding, dressing, grooming, and bathing in customary locations in the home. Common diagnoses include but are not limited to: Muscle weakness (generalized) Unsteadiness on feet Unspecified abnormalities of gait and mobility Polyosteoarthritis Amputation Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Dependence on wheelchair History of Falls Obesity Chronic Pain Syndrome Congestive Heart Failure Group 2 chairs may also have elevating leg rests and/or seat lift systems depending on insurance and medical necessity.
Does Mission Medical Supply have powerchair or scooter or wheelchair for rent?Yes, We do have Power wheelchairs, Scooters, Manual Wheelchairs, and Transport Chair rentals for Mobility Enhancement. Whether you need a week or a month or longer, we offer you worry-free mobility rentals when you're traveling. Whether you're attending a conference for business, a vacation or cruise or a theme park or even just need additional mobility assistance, Mission Medical Supply can meet any diverse need. Manual Wheelchairs rental Power Wheelchairs Rental
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